In the big match of the fourth round of the championship, Pistoiese defeated Ravenna FC with a score of 1-0, thanks to a goal by Cuomo in the second half. The match was a true clash at the top, with Ravenna dominating the first half, but the home team reversed the rhythm in the second.

First half: Ravenna dangerous but inaccurate
Ravenna FC started strong and was already dangerous in the 7th minute. Rrapaj delivered a through ball to Lo Bosco, but the Giallorossi striker, despite being in an excellent position, couldn’t finish properly due to being off-balance. In the 9th minute, Ravenna pushed forward again with Biagi, who attempted a low shot from the edge of the area, but the ball narrowly missed the post.
Pistoiese struggled to respond, but in the 23rd minute, they showed up in Ravenna’s area with Grilli, whose shot from the edge was blocked by the Giallorossi defense. Ravenna continued to control the game: in the 37th minute, D’Orsi broke through on the left and crossed for Milan, but Cecchini made a crucial intervention. In the 39th minute, Pistoiese tried to relieve the pressure with a cross from Diodato to Bertolo, but the shot posed no threat to Fresia.

Second half: Cuomo decides the match
The second half opened with a high pace, and after just one minute, Rossetti from Ravenna attempted a shot from the edge of the area, which was blocked by the Orange defense. In the 4th minute, Pistoiese came close to scoring with Greselin, who missed from a good position.
The Tuscans continued to grow: in the 9th minute, Diodato fired a sure shot, hitting the crossbar and nearly scoring. From the ensuing corner, Polvani tried a close-range shot, but Fresia made a miraculous save. The Giallorossi goalkeeper proved decisive again in the 21st minute, saving a dangerous header from Grilli.
Ravenna's response came in the 25th minute when Manuzzi stole the ball from Bertolo and charged towards the goal, but Cecchini deflected the shot into a corner. Despite a solid defensive performance, Ravenna conceded in the 26th minute: Grilli shot from distance, Fresia parried, but Cuomo was quickest to the rebound and tapped it in for the Pistoiese lead.
Ravenna tries until the end
Ravenna FC desperately sought an equalizer. In the 30th minute, a dangerous corner from Guida found a deflection from Manuzzi, but the ball skimmed past the post and went wide. In the first minute of stoppage time, Mandorlini attempted a long-range volley, but his shot was central and easily saved by Cecchini.

RAVENNA FC - PISTOIESE 1-0 MARCATORI: 73’ Cuomo PISTOIESE: Cecchini, Bertolo, Kharmoud, Basanisi (58’ Caponi), Donida (82’ Mazzei), Polvani, Grilli, Greselin (90’ Larhrib), Pinzauti (58’ Tascini), Diodato (71’ Cuomo), Sparacello. A disposizione: Lonigro, Dibenedetto, Cardella, Balleello. Allenatore: Domenico Giacomarro RAVENNA FC: Fresia, Venturini, Rossetti, Biagi (59’ Mandorlini), Lo Bosco (62’ Manuzzi), Nappello (65’ Guida), Rrapaj, Esposito, D’Orsi (74’ Lordkipanidze), Onofri, Milan. A disposizione: Galassi, Mauthe, Agnelli, Drapelli, Fiori. Allenatore: Mauro Antonioli Ammoniti: Onofri, Nappello, Milan

Pistoiese took home three crucial points, while Ravenna left the field defeated despite a convincing performance, especially in the first half.

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