Ravenna FC dominates against United Riccione: 4-0 at the Benelli

I giallorossi dominano il primo tempo, soffrono nella ripresa, ma Fresia blinda tre punti preziosi nel finale

Il Ravenna FC prosegue la sua corsa verso la vetta con una vittoria di misura, ma meritata, contro il San Marino, superato per 1-0 al “Calbi” di Cattolica. Un successo maturato grazie a un primo tempo di grande intensità e qualità, chiuso con il vantaggio siglato da Di Renzo. Nella ripresa i giallorossi hanno abbassato il baricentro, rischiando solo nel finale, quando un intervento prodigioso di Fresia ha blindato i tre punti.

Il Ravenna parte subito forte e al 2’ crea la prima occasione con Di Renzo, che ruba un pallone e si invola in profondità, ma il suo assist per Zagre risulta impreciso. I giallorossi impongono il loro ritmo e sfiorano il gol con un cross teso di Milan, su cui Di Renzo manca la deviazione vincente per questione di centimetri. La pressione della squadra di Marchionni cresce e al 20’ si trasforma in una tripla occasione: prima Milan, poi Guida, entrambi murati dalla difesa, infine Biagi, che calcia alto. Di nuovo Ravenna pericoloso al 36’ con il tiro a giro di Venturini che chiama Branduani ad un grande salvataggio in corner. Il gol è nell’aria e arriva al 41’: Biagi recupera palla con una pressione efficace, supera un avversario e serve Di Renzo, che fulmina Branduani con freddezza. Terzo centro nelle ultime due gare per l’attaccante giallorosso, che permette al Ravenna di chiudere meritatamente in vantaggio un primo tempo dominato.

Nella ripresa la gara cambia volto: il Ravenna abbassa il baricentro, limitandosi a controllare senza riuscire più a rendersi pericoloso. Il minimo vantaggio tiene in apprensione i tifosi, ma il San Marino fatica a creare reali opportunità, se non al 90’, quando Haruna trova la testa di Di Francesco per l’unico vero brivido della giornata. Il colpo di testa dell’attaccante biancoazzurro sembra destinato in rete, ma Fresia si supera con un intervento straordinario che salva risultato e vittoria.

Con questi tre punti, il Ravenna rimane a -2 dal Forlì e continua la sua rincorsa alla vetta. Il duello ripartirà settimana prossima con un curioso incrocio del calendario: entrambe le contendenti affronteranno le squadre di Prato, la corsa alla promozione è ancora combattuta.


MARCATORE: 41’ Di Renzo

SAN MARINO: Branduani (72’ Lattisi), Pericolini (72’ Gibilterra), Maglietta, Pass, Fabbri, Haruna, Toure (83’ Di Francesco), Arcopinto (79’ Muro), Passewe, Rota (52’ Giacomini), Tosi. A disposizione: Biguzzi, Bedei, Thioune, Yakubiv. Allenatore: Oberdan Biagioni

RAVENNA FC: Fresia, Venturini, Rossetti, Di Renzo (69’ Manuzzi), Biagi (83’ Mandorlini), Rrapaj (83’ Dì’Orsi), Guida (69’ Calandrini), Esposito, Agnelli, Zagre, Milan. A disposizione: Galassi, Mauthe, Lordkipanidze, Crosariol, Amoabeng. Allenatore: Marco Marchionni

AMMONITI: Guida, Arcopinto, Milan, Di Renzo
RECUPERO: 1’ e 4’

Giallorossi on the hunt for three points: tomorrow's challenge against United Riccione

San Marino-Ravenna FC: test insidioso dopo l’impresa di Coppa

Dopo l’impresa infrasettimanale contro la Lavagnese, che ha consegnato al Ravenna FC la prima storica finale di Coppa Italia di Serie D, i giallorossi tornano subito in campo per il 26° turno di campionato. Ad attenderli il San Marino, in una sfida che si disputerà sul terreno sintetico dello stadio Calbi di Cattolica.

Una gara che nasconde insidie, sia per le condizioni fisiche della squadra di Marchionni, chiamata a gestire le energie dopo lo sforzo in coppa, sia per la crescita recente del San Marino. Dopo un avvio complicato sotto la guida di Cascione, la formazione biancazzurra ha cambiato marcia con l’arrivo in panchina di Oberdan Biagioni. L’esperto tecnico ha ridato solidità e fiducia a una squadra che oggi lotta con determinazione per la salvezza e che nel turno precedente ha ottenuto una preziosa e inaspettata vittoria sul campo del Prato.

Il mercato invernale ha dato nuova linfa ai titani, con l’innesto del centrale difensivo Yakubiv e, soprattutto, dell’attaccante Passewe, già autore di cinque reti e riferimento offensivo pericoloso. Il Ravenna dovrà quindi prestare massima attenzione, consapevole dell’importanza di portare a casa un risultato positivo per continuare la corsa verso la vetta e mantenere alta la pressione sul Forlì.

Le condizioni fisiche non sono ottimali in casa giallorossa: Lo Bosco e Onofri resteranno ai box, mentre si lavora per recuperare Amoabeng. A centrocampo ancora assente Ilari, mentre Mereghetti si avvicina al rientro. Nota positiva il ritorno in gruppo di Nappello, che cercherà di ritrovare la migliore condizione.

A spingere il Ravenna ci sarà come sempre il suo pubblico. Con 600 biglietti disponibili per il settore ospiti, si prevede un grande seguito di tifosi giallorossi, pronti a far sentire la loro voce e a trascinare la squadra in una sfida cruciale per il prosieguo della stagione. Un sostegno fondamentale per affrontare una trasferta delicata con il massimo dell’energia e della convinzione.



Gabriele Fresia, Matteo Galassi, Enrico De Gori


Daniel Crosariol, Adriano Esposito, Andrea Venturini, Matteo Onofri, Umberto Agnelli, Matteo Milan, Enrico Mauthe, Lorenzo Busato, Andrea Venturini


Simone Biagi, Giacomo Calandrini, Matteo Mandorlini,  Paolo Rrapaj, Francesco D'Orsi, Simone Rossetti, David Lordkipanidze


Luca Di Renzo, Michele Guida, Francesco Manuzzi, Umberto Nappello, Gianmaria Fiori, Abdel Zagre

PIACENZA - RAVENNA FC information about tickets

Riportiamo le informazioni ricevute dal San Marino relative alla vendita dei biglietti per il  settore ospiti per la gara San Marino– Ravenna di domenica 2/03/2025 con inizio alle ore 14:30, valevole per la 9^ giornata di ritorno campionato serie D

I titoli saranno disponibili in prevendita presso le ricevitorie autorizzate.

Settore Ospiti (600 posti)

Intero € 13,00 esclusi diritti di prevendita

Ridotto Donna € 9,00 esclusi diritti di prevendita

Ridotto Over65 € 9,00 esclusi diritti di prevendita

UNDER 16: omaggio

Il settore ospite, è acquistabile solo ed esclusivamente in prevendita fino alle ore 14:30 di sabato 1 marzo sui seguenti canali di vendita:

– On line sul sito https://go2.it/evento/san-marino-calcio-vs-ravenna/8412

– Presso il punto vendita autorizzato: BAR TABACCHI REVENGE Via Bozzi, 5


La partita si disputerà allo stadio Calbi di Cattolica

RAVENNA FC - UNITED RICCIONE Information about tickets

The company announces that the presale of tickets has been activated for the match valid for the 25th round of the Championship: SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23, Ravenna FC - United Riccione (kick-off at 14:30).

TICKET RATES net of presale charges:

SECTOR price

REDUCED WOMEN AND OVER 65: available only in advance sales

REDUCED YOUNG in North Curve and Parterre: €5.00

UNDER 14 TICKET: €1.00 in combination with an adult

The presale phase, will be active at Vivaticket physical outlets or directly online by logging on to https://ravennafc.vivaticket.it/

In order to avoid queues, it is strongly recommended to arrive at the stadium already equipped with tickets purchased through presale channels.

On match day, the ticket offices will open at 13:00.

Vivaticket outlets in the city are:


    ADDRESS: Via Aldo Bozzi, 5 Ravenna
    PHONE: +39 0544 401128
    EMAIL: Barrevenge@gmail.com
    HOURS: Mon-Sat: 06:00/19:30 Sun: closed


    ADDRESS: viale Brunelleschi, 107 Ravenna
    PHONE: +39 0544 1936383
    EMAIL: sales@desiderandoviaggiare.com
    HOURS: Mon-Fri: 09.30 a.m./12.30 p.m. 4 p.m./7.30 p.m. Sat: 09.30 a.m./12.30 p.m. 4 p.m./7 p.m. Sun: closed


    ADDRESS: Strada Bassa, 18 Mezzano (RA)
    PHONE: +39 0544 522211
    EMAIL: lemagiemezzano@gmail.com
    HOURS: Mon-Sat: 07:30 a.m. / 12:30 p.m. 3 p.m./ 7 p.m.
    Sun: Closed

Please note that the purchase of the ticket requires compliance with the assigned sector and seat

******* GUEST SECTOR *******

In occasione di Ravenna FC – United Riccione, the away section will not be open. It is recommended that fans of the visiting team purchase tickets in the Odd Lateral Tribune section 1.


******* ACCREDITS *******

Please send credit requests to the email address: accrediti@ravennafc.it by 12:00 PM on Friday, February 21. Requests will be evaluated based on the stadium’s capacity, and requests received after this deadline will be automatically rejected.

Ravenna FC dominates against United Riccione: 4-0 at the Benelli

A clear and convincing win for the giallorossi, who continue their promotion race and remain just 2 points behind Forlì

Ravenna FC wins 4-0 against United Riccione in the 25th round of the league, confirming their good form and determination to stay in the race for promotion. Coach Marchionni opts for a heavy attacking trio, with Guida behind Di Renzo and Zagre, and the decision proves to be immediately successful.

The giallorossi start with great determination, immediately putting pressure on the opponents. The three forwards create at least three clear scoring opportunities in the first few minutes, and in the 31st minute, the goal that breaks the deadlock arrives. Guida, in excellent form, collects a header clearance from a defender and, with great coordination, strikes the ball on the volley from the edge of the box, sending it into the top corner. A spectacular goal, deserved for the superiority shown on the field up until that point. But it’s not over yet: just 7 minutes later, Guida nearly doubles the lead with a curled shot that goes just wide.

In the second half, Ravenna continues to dominate the match. In the 47th minute, a scare for the giallorossi fans: an insert from Esposito leads to a certain goal, but the ball hits the post, then the goalkeeper, and finally Di Renzo, finishing its run without crossing the line. The missed opportunity doesn’t stop Marchionni’s men, who keep pushing forward.
In the 69th minute, the goal that seals the match arrives. Di Renzo, launched by a clever “chip” from Guida, controls the ball and passes it to the number 17 giallorosso, who this time doesn’t miss, sending the ball into the net under the Mero curve. A celebration that speaks of relief for the player and the entire team. A minute later, Di Renzo also finds his personal brace, shielding and finishing a beautiful cross from Milan, who’s increasingly decisive in recent times.
Ravenna doesn’t settle and keeps attacking. Guida, once again inspired by Zagre, comes close to scoring a fourth goal, which arrives on the 85th minute. It’s Lo Bosco, well served by a pass from Zagre, who scores the goal that puts the finishing touch on the match.

Another convincing win for Ravenna, who continues their positive streak and sends a clear message to Forlì, who are only two points ahead after their last-minute victory at Lentigione. The championship is heating up, and the giallorossi don’t want to let go of the top spot in the standings.


MARKERS: 31’ Guida, 68’, 69’ Di Renzo, 87’ Lo Bosco

RAVENNA FC: Fresia, Rossetti (70’ Calandrini), Di Renzo (79’ Lo Bosco), Biagi, Guida (76’ Lordkipanidze), Esposito, D’Orsi, Agnelli (76’ Mauthe), Onofri, Zagre, Milan (74’ Crosariol). Available: Galassi, Mandorlini, Rrapaj, Mauthe, Manuzzi. Coach: Marco Marchionni

UNITED RICCIONE: Zamarion, Locanto, D’Angelo (56’ Greco), Viotti (69’ Paoloni), Palumbo (81’ Dulemata), Fontana, Bartoli, Egharevba, Marrone, Monaco (56’ Caputo), Messina (81’ Piroso). Available: Cicero, Kokeri, Bovegno, Pescioaoli. Coach: Mauro Borioni

WARNED: Rossetti
RECOVERY: 2’ e 5’

Giallorossi on the hunt for three points: tomorrow's challenge against United Riccione

After the draw in Piacenza, the giallorossi want to respond immediately to stay in the chase for the top spot

Ravenna FC returns to the field tomorrow afternoon at the Bruno Benelli to face United Riccione in the 25th round of the league. After the goalless draw against Piacenza, the giallorossi lost their top spot in the standings, but with ten games still to play, just two points behind Forlì and the direct clash to come, the race for the title remains wide open.

Marco Marchionni’s team, unbeaten since the first-leg match against Sasso Marconi, is eager to return to winning ways and capitalize on the Benelli factor, where they have built much of their remarkable journey. Compared to the away game in Piacenza, the giallorossi will look for more effectiveness in the attacking phase, the only aspect to improve in an otherwise solid performance.

From a medical perspective, the situation remains unchanged: Nappello, Mereghetti, Drapelli, Amoabeng, and Ilari remain unavailable.

United Riccione arrives in Ravenna during a challenging season, marked by internal difficulties, but never giving up. The recent victory over Fiorenzuola has provided a boost to the standings and demonstrated that the team is far from being in disarray. The Romagna side will take the field with the determination of a team fighting for survival, ready to give their all.

A high-intensity challenge is therefore expected at the Benelli: Ravenna wants the three points to stay close to the top and continue its run as a protagonist.



Gabriele Fresia, Matteo Galassi, Enrico De Gori


Daniel Crosariol, Adriano Esposito, Andrea Venturini, Matteo Onofri, Umberto Agnelli, Matteo Milan, Enrico Mauthe, Lorenzo Busato


Simone Biagi, Giacomo Calandrini, Matteo Mandorlini, Paolo Rrapaj, Francesco D'Orsi, Simone Rossetti, David Lordkipanidze


Luca Di Renzo, Michele Guida, Loreto Lo Bosco, Francesco Manuzzi, Umberto Nappello, Gianmaria Fiori, Abdel Zagre

PIACENZA - RAVENNA FC information about tickets

We report the information received from Piacenza Calcio 1919 regarding the sale of tickets for the away sector for the match Piacenza – Ravenna on Sunday, February 16, 2025, starting at 2:30 PM, valid for the 7th matchday of the return leg of the Serie D championship.

The tickets will be available for pre-sale at authorized retailers.


Curva Sud Ospiti (1.454 posti): € 12,00 esclusi i diritti di prevendita.

FOR ALL UNDER 14: € 2.00 (14 years old not yet completed) excluding presale fees.

In addition, it will be possible to purchase tickets for the grandstand sections for which we indicate the prices:

Lateral Tribune – Full Price: €18.00; Reduced Price: €15.00 *

Tribuna Semicentrale – Full Price: €30.00; Reduced Price: €25.00 *

Central Tribune – Fixed Price: 45.00 *

Under 14 (under 14 years old): €2.00 (in all sectors of the Stadium, accompanied by a relative within the fourth degree who is of legal age)

*Please note that the reduced price is valid for women, individuals over 65 years old (65 years completed), and disabled persons with a disability percentage from 50% to 99%.*

The tickets will be on sale from 12:00 PM on Monday, February 10, 2025, until 2:30 PM on Sunday, February 16, 2025, excluding the guest sector, whose presale closes on Saturday, February 15, 2025, at 7:00 PM, through the following sales channels:

Online at the website http://www.vivaticket.it/, it will be sufficient to present the printed ticket containing the barcode on plain paper

At authorized sales points. It is advisable to consult the list of sales points divided by province at the link: https://shop.vivaticket.com/ita/ricercapv

On the day of the match, the ticket office will not be open for the issuance of tickets for the GUEST CURVA. We remind you that purchasing a ticket implies acceptance of the stadium usage regulations, which we have attached, or can be consulted at the following link: http://www.piacenzacalcio.it/regolamento-duso/
Regarding the regulations for the entry of banners, megaphones, and drums into the stadium, please note that they can be consulted at the following links:
We kindly ask you to disseminate this information as widely as possible to your supporters.
For children under 14, a special Under 14 rate applies. They must be accompanied by a relative within the fourth degree of kinship. In the absence of an identity document, a birth certificate or health card will suffice.

Ravenna FC dominates against United Riccione: 4-0 at the Benelli

A clear and convincing win for the giallorossi, who continue their promotion race and remain just 2 points behind Forlì

Ravenna FC wins 4-0 against United Riccione in the 25th round of the league, confirming their good form and determination to stay in the race for promotion. Coach Marchionni opts for a heavy attacking trio, with Guida behind Di Renzo and Zagre, and the decision proves to be immediately successful.

The giallorossi start with great determination, immediately putting pressure on the opponents. The three forwards create at least three clear scoring opportunities in the first few minutes, and in the 31st minute, the goal that breaks the deadlock arrives. Guida, in excellent form, collects a header clearance from a defender and, with great coordination, strikes the ball on the volley from the edge of the box, sending it into the top corner. A spectacular goal, deserved for the superiority shown on the field up until that point. But it’s not over yet: just 7 minutes later, Guida nearly doubles the lead with a curled shot that goes just wide.

In the second half, Ravenna continues to dominate the match. In the 47th minute, a scare for the giallorossi fans: an insert from Esposito leads to a certain goal, but the ball hits the post, then the goalkeeper, and finally Di Renzo, finishing its run without crossing the line. The missed opportunity doesn’t stop Marchionni’s men, who keep pushing forward.
In the 69th minute, the goal that seals the match arrives. Di Renzo, launched by a clever “chip” from Guida, controls the ball and passes it to the number 17 giallorosso, who this time doesn’t miss, sending the ball into the net under the Mero curve. A celebration that speaks of relief for the player and the entire team. A minute later, Di Renzo also finds his personal brace, shielding and finishing a beautiful cross from Milan, who’s increasingly decisive in recent times.
Ravenna doesn’t settle and keeps attacking. Guida, once again inspired by Zagre, comes close to scoring a fourth goal, which arrives on the 85th minute. It’s Lo Bosco, well served by a pass from Zagre, who scores the goal that puts the finishing touch on the match.

Another convincing win for Ravenna, who continues their positive streak and sends a clear message to Forlì, who are only two points ahead after their last-minute victory at Lentigione. The championship is heating up, and the giallorossi don’t want to let go of the top spot in the standings.


MARKERS: 31’ Guida, 68’, 69’ Di Renzo, 87’ Lo Bosco

RAVENNA FC: Fresia, Rossetti (70’ Calandrini), Di Renzo (79’ Lo Bosco), Biagi, Guida (76’ Lordkipanidze), Esposito, D’Orsi, Agnelli (76’ Mauthe), Onofri, Zagre, Milan (74’ Crosariol). Available: Galassi, Mandorlini, Rrapaj, Mauthe, Manuzzi. Coach: Marco Marchionni

UNITED RICCIONE: Zamarion, Locanto, D’Angelo (56’ Greco), Viotti (69’ Paoloni), Palumbo (81’ Dulemata), Fontana, Bartoli, Egharevba, Marrone, Monaco (56’ Caputo), Messina (81’ Piroso). Available: Cicero, Kokeri, Bovegno, Pescioaoli. Coach: Mauro Borioni

WARNED: Rossetti
RECOVERY: 2’ e 5’

Ravenna FC dominates against United Riccione: 4-0 at the Benelli

A clear and convincing win for the giallorossi, who continue their promotion race and remain just 2 points behind Forlì

Ravenna FC wins 4-0 against United Riccione in the 25th round of the league, confirming their good form and determination to stay in the race for promotion. Coach Marchionni opts for a heavy attacking trio, with Guida behind Di Renzo and Zagre, and the decision proves to be immediately successful.

The giallorossi start with great determination, immediately putting pressure on the opponents. The three forwards create at least three clear scoring opportunities in the first few minutes, and in the 31st minute, the goal that breaks the deadlock arrives. Guida, in excellent form, collects a header clearance from a defender and, with great coordination, strikes the ball on the volley from the edge of the box, sending it into the top corner. A spectacular goal, deserved for the superiority shown on the field up until that point. But it’s not over yet: just 7 minutes later, Guida nearly doubles the lead with a curled shot that goes just wide.

In the second half, Ravenna continues to dominate the match. In the 47th minute, a scare for the giallorossi fans: an insert from Esposito leads to a certain goal, but the ball hits the post, then the goalkeeper, and finally Di Renzo, finishing its run without crossing the line. The missed opportunity doesn’t stop Marchionni’s men, who keep pushing forward.
In the 69th minute, the goal that seals the match arrives. Di Renzo, launched by a clever “chip” from Guida, controls the ball and passes it to the number 17 giallorosso, who this time doesn’t miss, sending the ball into the net under the Mero curve. A celebration that speaks of relief for the player and the entire team. A minute later, Di Renzo also finds his personal brace, shielding and finishing a beautiful cross from Milan, who’s increasingly decisive in recent times.
Ravenna doesn’t settle and keeps attacking. Guida, once again inspired by Zagre, comes close to scoring a fourth goal, which arrives on the 85th minute. It’s Lo Bosco, well served by a pass from Zagre, who scores the goal that puts the finishing touch on the match.

Another convincing win for Ravenna, who continues their positive streak and sends a clear message to Forlì, who are only two points ahead after their last-minute victory at Lentigione. The championship is heating up, and the giallorossi don’t want to let go of the top spot in the standings.


MARKERS: 31’ Guida, 68’, 69’ Di Renzo, 87’ Lo Bosco

RAVENNA FC: Fresia, Rossetti (70’ Calandrini), Di Renzo (79’ Lo Bosco), Biagi, Guida (76’ Lordkipanidze), Esposito, D’Orsi, Agnelli (76’ Mauthe), Onofri, Zagre, Milan (74’ Crosariol). Available: Galassi, Mandorlini, Rrapaj, Mauthe, Manuzzi. Coach: Marco Marchionni

UNITED RICCIONE: Zamarion, Locanto, D’Angelo (56’ Greco), Viotti (69’ Paoloni), Palumbo (81’ Dulemata), Fontana, Bartoli, Egharevba, Marrone, Monaco (56’ Caputo), Messina (81’ Piroso). Available: Cicero, Kokeri, Bovegno, Pescioaoli. Coach: Mauro Borioni

WARNED: Rossetti
RECOVERY: 2’ e 5’

Giallorossi on the hunt for three points: tomorrow's challenge against United Riccione

After the draw in Piacenza, the giallorossi want to respond immediately to stay in the chase for the top spot

Ravenna FC returns to the field tomorrow afternoon at the Bruno Benelli to face United Riccione in the 25th round of the league. After the goalless draw against Piacenza, the giallorossi lost their top spot in the standings, but with ten games still to play, just two points behind Forlì and the direct clash to come, the race for the title remains wide open.

Marco Marchionni’s team, unbeaten since the first-leg match against Sasso Marconi, is eager to return to winning ways and capitalize on the Benelli factor, where they have built much of their remarkable journey. Compared to the away game in Piacenza, the giallorossi will look for more effectiveness in the attacking phase, the only aspect to improve in an otherwise solid performance.

From a medical perspective, the situation remains unchanged: Nappello, Mereghetti, Drapelli, Amoabeng, and Ilari remain unavailable.

United Riccione arrives in Ravenna during a challenging season, marked by internal difficulties, but never giving up. The recent victory over Fiorenzuola has provided a boost to the standings and demonstrated that the team is far from being in disarray. The Romagna side will take the field with the determination of a team fighting for survival, ready to give their all.

A high-intensity challenge is therefore expected at the Benelli: Ravenna wants the three points to stay close to the top and continue its run as a protagonist.



Gabriele Fresia, Matteo Galassi, Enrico De Gori


Daniel Crosariol, Adriano Esposito, Andrea Venturini, Matteo Onofri, Umberto Agnelli, Matteo Milan, Enrico Mauthe, Lorenzo Busato


Simone Biagi, Giacomo Calandrini, Matteo Mandorlini, Paolo Rrapaj, Francesco D'Orsi, Simone Rossetti, David Lordkipanidze


Luca Di Renzo, Michele Guida, Loreto Lo Bosco, Francesco Manuzzi, Umberto Nappello, Gianmaria Fiori, Abdel Zagre