

Given the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of the Interior, the Minister for Sport, CONI, the FIGC, the Professional Leagues, the National Amateur League, the A.I.A., the AIC and the A.I.A.C.for "The Relaunch of Management between Participation and Simplification" on August 4, 2017; Given Art.12 of the Sports Justice Regulations; this "Code of Regulations for the Regulation of the Transfer of Tickets for Football Events" is hereby adopted and governed in the manner set forth below.

Art. 1 Definition.

The "institution of gradimento" (hereafter: gradimento) is the right of the Società Sportiva Ravenna Football Club 1913 spa not to sell the admission ticket or to suspend its effectiveness.The gradimento applies not only to conduct occurring after the purchase of the ticket or subscription or loyalty programs, but also to those conducts held before the purchase or subscription of the aforementioned access tickets.

Art.2Relevant conduct

All conduct directly related to a football event, regardless of the place and time in which it takes place, is relevant to the assessment in Article 1.A football event is any initiative or moment organized by the sports club, thus not identifying with official occasions alone.To this end, all conduct contrary to the values of sport is discriminated against, as well as all those acts that in their expression sustain discriminatory behavior on racial, territorial, ethnic and religious grounds toward the fans of the opposing team, institutions and civil society.Also affected are all those actions that result in administrative penalties for the sports club.


The injunction does not entitle the holder to any kind of reimbursement.It is permissible to transfer the title to a third party if they qualify for it.The injunction does not affect any benefits accrued under loyalty programs, unless the benefit relates to the event for which the prohibition is ordered.In that case, the award may be used in the race following the last of the inhibited ones, provided that the sports calendar allows it, otherwise the benefit is lost.In the event that during the suspension the fan concerned engages in other relevant conduct, a possible further inhibition may be initiated, which will be added to the previous one, with no possibility of absorption.Regardless of the location of the relevant conduct, the approval is exercised only for attendance at matches held at the stadium in use by the club, with the exclusion, accordingly, of away matches.


This code must be published, from the moment of its adoption, on the official website of the sports club, as well as, by excerpt, at all receptions and access gates of sports facilities and centers that can be reconnected to the Ravenna Football Club 1913 spa sports club.


Società Sportiva Ravenna Football Club 1913 spa can detect the relevant behaviors through: - reports from the stewarding services and/or the Supporter Liaison Officer sector; - images from the video surveillance system; - images disseminated through social networks from which it is possible to identify the person deemed responsible; - open sources, in the case of publicly ascertained facts.

Art.6Evaluation parameters

The following factors constitute parameters of evaluation:1) the willfulness or guilt of the violation, in relation to evident premeditation and/or emotional drive;2) the type of legal good "attacked";3) the prior conduct that substantiates a genuine recidivism or has resulted in mere warnings;4) the subsequent behavior that substantiates an industrious repentance, that is, an undoubted willingness to cooperate in order to eliminate or mitigate the possible consequences resulting from the wrongful act to the detriment of the Ravenna Football Club 1913 spa Sports Club, including the admission of responsibility and sincere resipiscence on the part of the person concerned5) the role held by the person, in the dual possible capacity of instigator, or mere co-participant.Facts committed inside the stadium, which also integrate violations of the rules of use, will be censured with both types of measures (sanctions and injunctions), since they have different natures.

Art.7Duration of the measures

The duration of prohibitory measures is proportionate to the seriousness of the incident, identified according to the criteria given in Article 7.The range of duration of prohibitory measures may vary from a minimum of one or more days to a specified number of seasons.Through a special computer platform, the company will record and give notice of the period of suspension of approval to the ticketing company by entering a special alert that will be recorded, collected and processed in deference to the privacy regulations in force from time to time.


The contestation of the conduct containing the description of the violations is communicated to the subject, identified through the data registered for the issuance of the access ticket - if the conduct is subsequent to the issuance of the ticket - or through direct knowledge, or even through the assistance of the Police Forces, which may be requested by the Company in all cases in which the same intends to denounce the subject (assuming the conditions exist), by registered mail with return receipt, or other method of notification, within 7 days of the identification of the subject to whom the relevant conduct is attributable.The person, within 5 days of receipt of the dispute, has the right to submit his or her "justifications" to the Company for their evaluation for the purpose of modification or revocation of the measure, as well as to ask to be heard.Within the next 20 days, the Company shall decide on this request.In case of silence, the same shall be understood as rejection of the request.


It is possible to issue injunctions against minors, provided they have reached the age of fourteen.A minor in possession of season tickets, whose parent is the recipient of an injunction issued by Ravenna Football Club 1913 spa Società Sportiva, may be accompanied by another adult in possession of a valid ticket.

Art.10Relationship with other proceedings

The application of the aforementioned inhibitions is irrespective of any criminal/civil proceedings, since the conduct under investigation may affect different interests.The application of the inhibitory measures is, in any case, without prejudice to the company's right to take legal action against the infringer.


These regulations are applicable pursuant to D. L. no.28/2003, converted into L. no.88/2003, as amended, Art. 1 and 1- septies.The Stadium Use and Fan Behavior Regulations are intended to regulate access to and stay inside the sports facility where the match is being played, as well as behavior in the stands.Definitions:Sporting Company: means the company Ravenna Football Club 1913 spa Stadium/Sporting Facility: means all areas pertaining to the facility owned by the Municipality of Ravenna and in use by the Sporting Company, including the outdoor reserved area (where present).With the purchase of the access ticket, the ticket holder undertakes to read and comply with all points, none excluded, of the "rules of use" of the sports facility, which can be found in full on the official website of Ravenna Football Club 1913 spa ( and by excerpt at all access gates to the sports facility, and in particular:


  1. Access and stay, for any reason whatsoever, inside the sports facility during soccer matches are governed by these "Regulations for Use"; the purchase of the ticket implies its acceptance by the spectator and also implies the acceptance of all the rules/dispositions issued by the Public Safety Authorities and Sports Institutions, such as FIFA, UEFA, FIGC, Football League.
  2. Failure to comply with the same will result in the immediate termination of the service contract, with the consequent removal of the offender from the facility, as well as the imposition of an administrative fine of 100 to 500 euros by the Prefect of the relevant Province.
  3. If the offender is already sanctioned, in the same sports season even at a different facility, for the same violation of the respective use regulations, the sanction may be increased by up to half of the maximum and a ban on sports events may be imposed.
  4. The spectator, in particular, is reminded to respect and follow the following behavioral rules, prohibitions and warnings.
  5. The admission ticket to the Stadium is personal and cannot be transferred to third parties, except in the cases and in the manner provided for in the relevant legal regulations and by the event organizing Sports Club, through its website
  6. Possession of a valid ID is required for access to the facility, which must also be shown at the request of stewards in order to verify the match between the holder of the admission ticket and the holder of the ticket.
  7. The admission ticket must be retained until the end of the event and when leaving the facility, which must be done on the terms and in the manner established by the event's organizing Sports Club.
  8. The spectator has the right-duty to occupy only the assigned seat and, therefore, with the purchase of the admission ticket agrees not to occupy different seats, even if not used by others, unless expressly authorized by the Sports Club.
  9. The spectator may be subjected, also by stewards and by means of metal detectors, to controls aimed at preventing the introduction of illicit, prohibited and/or dangerous materials and is required to follow the instructions given by the stewards.By purchasing the admission ticket, the spectator acknowledges to the Sports Club and its stewards the right to have such checks carried out on the person and/or on bags and wrappers or other objects brought along, waiving all exceptions.
  10. The modalities of access for the disabled shall be determined by the event's organizing Sports Club, and in any case access will be possible until the seats allowed by current regulations are exhausted.11.The Sports Club, in addition to ejecting from the facility anyone who does not comply with the Regulations of Use, reserves the right to refuse entry to the facility to the offender even at subsequent matches, regardless of any access bans imposed by the competent Authorities.


The following items, which are also indicated on special signs in the various areas of the Stadium, may not be brought into the Stadium unless authorized in advance by the stewards, the Public Order Forces on duty for the match and/or the Security Operations Group (GOS): Inside the sports facility and the outside reserved area is prohibited:
  1. A) Externalizing any form of racial, ethnic, religious discrimination or other manifestations of intolerance by chanting or displaying signs;
  2. B) Standing near passageways, exits, entrances, along access routes, escape routes and any other escape routes without justified reason;
  3. C) Climbing on the structures of the facility;
  4. D) Damaging or tampering with facilities, infrastructure and services of the facility in any way;
  5. E) Introduce or possess poisons, noxious substances, flammable or soiling materials and drugs;
  6. F) Introduce beverages exceeding 5% alcohol content, unless otherwise ordered by the competent bodies after issuing and/or issuing any exemption permits;
  7. G) Introduce, possess or throw flares, flares, fireworks and firecrackers or other instruments for the emission of smoke or visible gas;
  8. H) Introduce or possess stones, knives, bottles, glass containers, objects likely to offend or suitable for being thrown, sound instruments, light-emitting systems (laser pointers) and other objects that may cause disturbance or danger to the safety of all persons in the facility;
  9. I) Displaying material that obstructs visibility to other fans or emergency signs or otherwise obstructs escape routes to the playing field;
  10. J) Introduce and sell within the sports facility, beverages contained in cans, glass or plastic bottles; these must be poured into paper or plastic cups;
  11. K) Introduce, distribute and display banners, signs, horizontal banners, weathervanes, documents, drawings, flyers, printed or written materials and other than those explicitly authorized by the Security Operations Group (GOS) at the request of the Sports Club; the same may not be displayed in spaces other than those indicated by the Sports Club and must be removed at the end of the event;
  12. L) Organizing unauthorized choreographies or those that differ from those authorized by the Security Operations Group (GOS) at the request of the Sports Club;
  13. M) Entering and remaining inside the facility while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs or psychotropic substances;
  14. N) Smoking in all areas of the stadium (except the areas indicated "Smoking Place").
  15. O) Introducing animals of any kind;
  16. P) Introduce umbrellas except those that are small in size and have no tips;
  17. Q) Introduce video cameras and SLR-type cameras;
  18. A) Introduce binoculars and spotting scopes.


Please note that the following constitute offenses: misrepresentation, possession of one's own and improper weapons, display of emblems or symbols of associations that spread discrimination or violence on racial, ethnic, national or religious grounds, incitement to violence during competitive competitions, possession, throwing and use of dangerous materials and pyrotechnics, stepping over separators, and pitch invasion.Any conviction for any of the offenses listed below will result in a ban from sports facilities:
  1. (a) Violation of provisions prohibiting access to places where sports events are held;
  2. (b) Throwing of hazardous material, stepping over and encroaching on the field at sports competitions;
  3. (c) Possession of pyrotechnic devices at sporting events;
  4. (d) Disruption of sports events.


Whoever holds violent, insulting or offensive attitudes, and/or discriminating in a racial, ethnic or religious sense towards other spectators or towards the athletes present in the sports facility, produces damage to the latter, engages in behaviors dangerous to the safety of other spectators, or has entered the stadium without a valid entrance ticket, holds an entrance ticket on which a name not corresponding to his or her identity is indicated, occupies marshalling paths or areas concerning the exodus routes displays banners that are not authorized for entry and their display, introduces material for which a ban is provided for by the regulations in force or in any case indicated in these "rules of use", purchases admission tickets other than those intended for their own fan club, or in any case contravenes the rules contained in the rules of use of the sports facility may be expelled from the sports facility, after the investigations carried out by the competent Authority, also following the reports of the supervisory personnel and stewards.


  1. The sports facility is monitored by an audio-video recording system, located both inside and outside, the data of which are processed in accordance with the provisions of Legislative Decree No. 196 of 30.6.2003 and Ministerial Decree 06/06/2005.
  2. The processing of personal data is carried out in accordance with the law.Registration is carried out for purposes of public order and security, in accordance with Art.13 of the Personal Data Protection Code.The organizing company of the football event is obliged to keep the registration data and media until seven days after the event (after which they will be deleted) as well as to make the same media and data available to the Judicial and Public Security Authorities.The processing of personal data is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Code and the Decree of the Ministry of the Interior of June 6, 05; to this end, it is hereby notified that the owner of the processing of personal data is the General Manager of the company.


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