PIACENZA - RAVENNA FC information about tickets

Il Ravenna FC informa che i biglietti riservati ai tifosi giallorossi per la partita Forlì-Ravenna, in programma domenica 23 marzo, sono ufficialmente esauriti.
La straordinaria risposta del nostro pubblico ha confermato, ancora una volta, il grande entusiasmo che accompagna la squadra.

Vista la straordinaria risposta e l’entusiasmo dimostrato dai nostri tifosi, la società ha fatto il possibile per ottenere un numero maggiore di biglietti da destinare ai sostenitori, ma, purtroppo, le disposizioni dell’Osservatorio sulle Manifestazioni Sportive non hanno consentito di ampliare la disponibilità.

Per evitare disagi, invitiamo tutti i tifosi a non recarsi allo stadio senza un valido titolo di accesso, poiché non sarà possibile acquistare ulteriori biglietti sul posto.

Ringraziamo tutti per il sostegno e la passione dimostrata. Continueremo a fare il possibile per garantire la massima partecipazione dei nostri tifosi nelle prossime gare.

PIACENZA - RAVENNA FC information about tickets

Riportiamo le informazioni ricevuti da Forlì FC relative alla vendita dei biglietti per il  settore ospiti per la gara Forlì – Ravenna di domenica 23/03/2025 con inizio alle ore 14:30

Per i sostenitori del Ravenna sarà disponibile il Settore Ospiti dello stadio Tullio Morgagni. I biglietti saranno acquistabili esclusivamente in prevendita nei punti vendita convenzionati con Vivaticket e online a partire da oggi, giovedì 13 marzo fino sabato 22 marzo alle ore 19,00.

Per i residenti in provincia di Ravenna sarà vietato comprare biglietti in qualsiasi altro settore.

SETTORE OSPITI: 15,00 Euro (esclusi diritti di prevendita)

I punti vendita Vivaticket a Ravenna:
– Bar Tabacchi Revenge, via Aldo Bozzi 5 Ravenna
– Desiderando Viaggiare, viale Brunelleschi 105 Ravenna
– Le Magie, Strada Bassa,18 Mezzano
– Biro Blu – Via Fiumazzo, 618 Voltana
– Marimi Tabacchi – Viale Virgilio, 104 Lido Adriano
– Tabaccheria Centrale – Piazza Garibaldi 46 – Conselice

L’accesso in auto e bus organizzati dovrà avvenire da via Ravegnana. Di seguito la via di accesso: Prima rotatoria terza uscita con inizio della tangenziale Est, proseguire fino all’uscita Bussecchio – Aeroporto – Stadio, girare a destra, in seguito alla prima rotatoria prendere la seconda uscita via Biagio Bernardi proseguire fino al semaforo e svoltare a destra, siete in via campo di Marte, dopo la rotatoria trovate dopo 100 metri l’ingresso del parcheggio dedicato ai tifosi ospiti con il cancello di ingresso che porta allo stadio.

L’accesso al settore Gradinata Ospiti dello Stadio Morgagni avviene tramite Via Campo di Marte 1/F, seguendo il percorso indicato dalla segnaletica, con apertura cancelli a partire da 1 ora antecedente l’inizio della gara. Sarà possibile accedere all’impianto solo esibendo biglietto e documento di identità valido.

PIACENZA - RAVENNA FC information about tickets

We report the information received from Piacenza Calcio 1919 regarding the sale of tickets for the away sector for the match Piacenza – Ravenna on Sunday, February 16, 2025, starting at 2:30 PM, valid for the 7th matchday of the return leg of the Serie D championship.

The tickets will be available for pre-sale at authorized retailers.


Curva Sud Ospiti (1.454 posti): € 12,00 esclusi i diritti di prevendita.

FOR ALL UNDER 14: € 2.00 (14 years old not yet completed) excluding presale fees.

In addition, it will be possible to purchase tickets for the grandstand sections for which we indicate the prices:

Lateral Tribune – Full Price: €18.00; Reduced Price: €15.00 *

Tribuna Semicentrale – Full Price: €30.00; Reduced Price: €25.00 *

Central Tribune – Fixed Price: 45.00 *

Under 14 (under 14 years old): €2.00 (in all sectors of the Stadium, accompanied by a relative within the fourth degree who is of legal age)

*Please note that the reduced price is valid for women, individuals over 65 years old (65 years completed), and disabled persons with a disability percentage from 50% to 99%.*

The tickets will be on sale from 12:00 PM on Monday, February 10, 2025, until 2:30 PM on Sunday, February 16, 2025, excluding the guest sector, whose presale closes on Saturday, February 15, 2025, at 7:00 PM, through the following sales channels:

Online at the website http://www.vivaticket.it/, it will be sufficient to present the printed ticket containing the barcode on plain paper

At authorized sales points. It is advisable to consult the list of sales points divided by province at the link: https://shop.vivaticket.com/ita/ricercapv

On the day of the match, the ticket office will not be open for the issuance of tickets for the GUEST CURVA. We remind you that purchasing a ticket implies acceptance of the stadium usage regulations, which we have attached, or can be consulted at the following link: http://www.piacenzacalcio.it/regolamento-duso/
Regarding the regulations for the entry of banners, megaphones, and drums into the stadium, please note that they can be consulted at the following links:
We kindly ask you to disseminate this information as widely as possible to your supporters.
For children under 14, a special Under 14 rate applies. They must be accompanied by a relative within the fourth degree of kinship. In the absence of an identity document, a birth certificate or health card will suffice.

PIACENZA - RAVENNA FC information about tickets

Riportiamo le informazioni ricevute dal San Marino relative alla vendita dei biglietti per il  settore ospiti per la gara San Marino– Ravenna di domenica 2/03/2025 con inizio alle ore 14:30, valevole per la 9^ giornata di ritorno campionato serie D

I titoli saranno disponibili in prevendita presso le ricevitorie autorizzate.

Settore Ospiti (600 posti)

Intero € 13,00 esclusi diritti di prevendita

Ridotto Donna € 9,00 esclusi diritti di prevendita

Ridotto Over65 € 9,00 esclusi diritti di prevendita

UNDER 16: omaggio

Il settore ospite, è acquistabile solo ed esclusivamente in prevendita fino alle ore 14:30 di sabato 1 marzo sui seguenti canali di vendita:

– On line sul sito https://go2.it/evento/san-marino-calcio-vs-ravenna/8412

– Presso il punto vendita autorizzato: BAR TABACCHI REVENGE Via Bozzi, 5


La partita si disputerà allo stadio Calbi di Cattolica

RAVENNA FC - UNITED RICCIONE Information about tickets

The company announces that the presale of tickets has been activated for the match valid for the 25th round of the Championship: SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23, Ravenna FC - United Riccione (kick-off at 14:30).

TICKET RATES net of presale charges:

SECTOR price

REDUCED WOMEN AND OVER 65: available only in advance sales

REDUCED YOUNG in North Curve and Parterre: €5.00

UNDER 14 TICKET: €1.00 in combination with an adult

The presale phase, will be active at Vivaticket physical outlets or directly online by logging on to https://ravennafc.vivaticket.it/

In order to avoid queues, it is strongly recommended to arrive at the stadium already equipped with tickets purchased through presale channels.

On match day, the ticket offices will open at 13:00.

Vivaticket outlets in the city are:


    ADDRESS: Via Aldo Bozzi, 5 Ravenna
    PHONE: +39 0544 401128
    EMAIL: Barrevenge@gmail.com
    HOURS: Mon-Sat: 06:00/19:30 Sun: closed


    ADDRESS: viale Brunelleschi, 107 Ravenna
    PHONE: +39 0544 1936383
    EMAIL: sales@desiderandoviaggiare.com
    HOURS: Mon-Fri: 09.30 a.m./12.30 p.m. 4 p.m./7.30 p.m. Sat: 09.30 a.m./12.30 p.m. 4 p.m./7 p.m. Sun: closed


    ADDRESS: Strada Bassa, 18 Mezzano (RA)
    PHONE: +39 0544 522211
    EMAIL: lemagiemezzano@gmail.com
    HOURS: Mon-Sat: 07:30 a.m. / 12:30 p.m. 3 p.m./ 7 p.m.
    Sun: Closed

Please note that the purchase of the ticket requires compliance with the assigned sector and seat

******* GUEST SECTOR *******

In occasione di Ravenna FC – United Riccione, the away section will not be open. It is recommended that fans of the visiting team purchase tickets in the Odd Lateral Tribune section 1.


******* ACCREDITS *******

Please send credit requests to the email address: accrediti@ravennafc.it by 12:00 PM on Friday, February 21. Requests will be evaluated based on the stadium’s capacity, and requests received after this deadline will be automatically rejected.

PIACENZA - RAVENNA FC information about tickets

We report the information received from Piacenza Calcio 1919 regarding the sale of tickets for the away sector for the match Piacenza – Ravenna on Sunday, February 16, 2025, starting at 2:30 PM, valid for the 7th matchday of the return leg of the Serie D championship.

The tickets will be available for pre-sale at authorized retailers.


Curva Sud Ospiti (1.454 posti): € 12,00 esclusi i diritti di prevendita.

FOR ALL UNDER 14: € 2.00 (14 years old not yet completed) excluding presale fees.

In addition, it will be possible to purchase tickets for the grandstand sections for which we indicate the prices:

Lateral Tribune – Full Price: €18.00; Reduced Price: €15.00 *

Tribuna Semicentrale – Full Price: €30.00; Reduced Price: €25.00 *

Central Tribune – Fixed Price: 45.00 *

Under 14 (under 14 years old): €2.00 (in all sectors of the Stadium, accompanied by a relative within the fourth degree who is of legal age)

*Please note that the reduced price is valid for women, individuals over 65 years old (65 years completed), and disabled persons with a disability percentage from 50% to 99%.*

The tickets will be on sale from 12:00 PM on Monday, February 10, 2025, until 2:30 PM on Sunday, February 16, 2025, excluding the guest sector, whose presale closes on Saturday, February 15, 2025, at 7:00 PM, through the following sales channels:

Online at the website http://www.vivaticket.it/, it will be sufficient to present the printed ticket containing the barcode on plain paper

At authorized sales points. It is advisable to consult the list of sales points divided by province at the link: https://shop.vivaticket.com/ita/ricercapv

On the day of the match, the ticket office will not be open for the issuance of tickets for the GUEST CURVA. We remind you that purchasing a ticket implies acceptance of the stadium usage regulations, which we have attached, or can be consulted at the following link: http://www.piacenzacalcio.it/regolamento-duso/
Regarding the regulations for the entry of banners, megaphones, and drums into the stadium, please note that they can be consulted at the following links:
We kindly ask you to disseminate this information as widely as possible to your supporters.
For children under 14, a special Under 14 rate applies. They must be accompanied by a relative within the fourth degree of kinship. In the absence of an identity document, a birth certificate or health card will suffice.

RAVENNA FC - UNITED RICCIONE Information about tickets

The company announces that the presale of tickets has been activated for the match valid for the 25th round of the Championship: SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23, Ravenna FC - United Riccione (kick-off at 14:30).

TICKET RATES net of presale charges:

SECTOR price

REDUCED WOMEN AND OVER 65: available only in advance sales

REDUCED YOUNG in North Curve and Parterre: €5.00

UNDER 14 TICKET: €1.00 in combination with an adult

The presale phase, will be active at Vivaticket physical outlets or directly online by logging on to https://ravennafc.vivaticket.it/

In order to avoid queues, it is strongly recommended to arrive at the stadium already equipped with tickets purchased through presale channels.

On match day, the ticket offices will open at 13:00.

Vivaticket outlets in the city are:


    ADDRESS: Via Aldo Bozzi, 5 Ravenna
    PHONE: +39 0544 401128
    EMAIL: Barrevenge@gmail.com
    HOURS: Mon-Sat: 06:00/19:30 Sun: closed


    ADDRESS: viale Brunelleschi, 107 Ravenna
    PHONE: +39 0544 1936383
    EMAIL: sales@desiderandoviaggiare.com
    HOURS: Mon-Fri: 09.30 a.m./12.30 p.m. 4 p.m./7.30 p.m. Sat: 09.30 a.m./12.30 p.m. 4 p.m./7 p.m. Sun: closed


    ADDRESS: Strada Bassa, 18 Mezzano (RA)
    PHONE: +39 0544 522211
    EMAIL: lemagiemezzano@gmail.com
    HOURS: Mon-Sat: 07:30 a.m. / 12:30 p.m. 3 p.m./ 7 p.m.
    Sun: Closed

Please note that the purchase of the ticket requires compliance with the assigned sector and seat

******* GUEST SECTOR *******

In occasione di Ravenna FC – United Riccione, the away section will not be open. It is recommended that fans of the visiting team purchase tickets in the Odd Lateral Tribune section 1.


******* ACCREDITS *******

Please send credit requests to the email address: accrediti@ravennafc.it by 12:00 PM on Friday, February 21. Requests will be evaluated based on the stadium’s capacity, and requests received after this deadline will be automatically rejected.

PIACENZA - RAVENNA FC information about tickets

We report the information received from Piacenza Calcio 1919 regarding the sale of tickets for the away sector for the match Piacenza – Ravenna on Sunday, February 16, 2025, starting at 2:30 PM, valid for the 7th matchday of the return leg of the Serie D championship.

The tickets will be available for pre-sale at authorized retailers.


Curva Sud Ospiti (1.454 posti): € 12,00 esclusi i diritti di prevendita.

FOR ALL UNDER 14: € 2.00 (14 years old not yet completed) excluding presale fees.

In addition, it will be possible to purchase tickets for the grandstand sections for which we indicate the prices:

Lateral Tribune – Full Price: €18.00; Reduced Price: €15.00 *

Tribuna Semicentrale – Full Price: €30.00; Reduced Price: €25.00 *

Central Tribune – Fixed Price: 45.00 *

Under 14 (under 14 years old): €2.00 (in all sectors of the Stadium, accompanied by a relative within the fourth degree who is of legal age)

*Please note that the reduced price is valid for women, individuals over 65 years old (65 years completed), and disabled persons with a disability percentage from 50% to 99%.*

The tickets will be on sale from 12:00 PM on Monday, February 10, 2025, until 2:30 PM on Sunday, February 16, 2025, excluding the guest sector, whose presale closes on Saturday, February 15, 2025, at 7:00 PM, through the following sales channels:

Online at the website http://www.vivaticket.it/, it will be sufficient to present the printed ticket containing the barcode on plain paper

At authorized sales points. It is advisable to consult the list of sales points divided by province at the link: https://shop.vivaticket.com/ita/ricercapv

On the day of the match, the ticket office will not be open for the issuance of tickets for the GUEST CURVA. We remind you that purchasing a ticket implies acceptance of the stadium usage regulations, which we have attached, or can be consulted at the following link: http://www.piacenzacalcio.it/regolamento-duso/
Regarding the regulations for the entry of banners, megaphones, and drums into the stadium, please note that they can be consulted at the following links:
We kindly ask you to disseminate this information as widely as possible to your supporters.
For children under 14, a special Under 14 rate applies. They must be accompanied by a relative within the fourth degree of kinship. In the absence of an identity document, a birth certificate or health card will suffice.

RAVENNA FC - LAVAGNESE ticket information

The club announces that ticket pre-sales have been activated for the match valid for the first leg of the Coppa Italia Serie D semi-final on Wednesday, February 12, Ravenna FC - Lavagnese (kick-off at 17:30).



TICKET RATES net of presale charges:

SECTOR price

REDUCED WOMEN AND OVER 65: available only in advance sales

REDUCED YOUNG in North Curve and Parterre: €5.00

UNDER 14 TICKET: €1.00 in combination with an adult

The presale phase, will be active at Vivaticket physical outlets or directly online by logging on to https://ravennafc.vivaticket.it/

In order to avoid queues, it is strongly recommended to arrive at the stadium already equipped with tickets purchased through presale channels.

On the day of the event, the ticket offices will be open from 4:30 PM.

Vivaticket outlets in the city are:


    ADDRESS: Via Aldo Bozzi, 5 Ravenna
    PHONE: +39 0544 401128
    EMAIL: Barrevenge@gmail.com
    HOURS: Mon-Sat: 06.00/13.00 Sun: closed


    ADDRESS: viale Brunelleschi, 107 Ravenna
    PHONE: +39 0544 1936383
    EMAIL: sales@desiderandoviaggiare.com
    HOURS: Mon-Fri: 09.30 a.m./12.30 p.m. 4 p.m./7.30 p.m. Sat: 09.30 a.m./12.30 p.m. 4 p.m./7 p.m. Sun: closed


    ADDRESS: Strada Bassa, 18 Mezzano (RA)
    PHONE: +39 0544 522211
    EMAIL: lemagiemezzano@gmail.com
    HOURS: Mon-Sat: 07:30 a.m. / 12:30 p.m. 3 p.m./ 7 p.m.
    Sun: Closed

Please note that the purchase of the ticket requires compliance with the assigned sector and seat

******* GUEST SECTOR *******

In occasione di Ravenna FC – Lavagnese, the away section will NOT be open. Supporters of the visiting team are advised to purchase tickets in the Odd Lateral Grandstand section 1

******* ACCREDITS *******

Please send the accreditation requests to the email address: accrediti@ravennafc.it by 12:00 PM on Tuesday, February 11th.

RAVENNA FC - IMOLESE ticket information

The company announces that the advance ticket sales have been activated for the match valid for the 23rd round of the Championship: SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9, Ravenna FC - Imolese (kick-off at 2:30 PM).

TICKET RATES net of presale charges:

SECTOR price

REDUCED WOMEN AND OVER 65: available only in advance sales

REDUCED YOUNG in North Curve and Parterre: €5.00

UNDER 14 TICKET: €1.00 in combination with an adult

The presale phase, will be active at Vivaticket physical outlets or directly online by logging on to https://ravennafc.vivaticket.it/

In order to avoid queues, it is strongly recommended to arrive at the stadium already equipped with tickets purchased through presale channels.

On match day, the ticket offices will open at 13:00.

Vivaticket outlets in the city are:


    ADDRESS: Via Aldo Bozzi, 5 Ravenna
    PHONE: +39 0544 401128
    EMAIL: Barrevenge@gmail.com
    HOURS: Mon-Sat: 06:00/19:30 Sun: closed


    ADDRESS: viale Brunelleschi, 107 Ravenna
    PHONE: +39 0544 1936383
    EMAIL: sales@desiderandoviaggiare.com
    HOURS: Mon-Fri: 09.30 a.m./12.30 p.m. 4 p.m./7.30 p.m. Sat: 09.30 a.m./12.30 p.m. 4 p.m./7 p.m. Sun: closed


    ADDRESS: Strada Bassa, 18 Mezzano (RA)
    PHONE: +39 0544 522211
    EMAIL: lemagiemezzano@gmail.com
    HOURS: Mon-Sat: 07:30 a.m. / 12:30 p.m. 3 p.m./ 7 p.m.
    Sun: Closed

Please note that the purchase of the ticket requires compliance with the assigned sector and seat

******* GUEST SECTOR *******

On the occasion of Ravenna FC – Imolese, the guest sector Curva Sud will be open (Capacity: 627 seats).

Access tickets for this sector are available exclusively in advance until 7:00 PM on Saturday, February 8th.

Sunday, the day of the match, it will not be possible to purchase tickets for the away section.

******* ACCREDITS *******

Please send credit requests to the email address: accrediti@ravennafc.it by 12:00 PM on Friday, February 7th. Requests will be evaluated based on the stadium’s capacity, and requests received after this deadline will be automatically rejected.